Enriched Premium Organic Earth Magic Potting Soil Mix with Required Fertilizers for Plants


Premium Organic Earth Magic Potting Soil

Enriched Premium Organic Earth Magic Potting Soil Mix with Required Fertilizers for Plants - 10 KG

Enriched Organic Earth Magic Potting Soil Fertilizer 10 KG Contains microbes that enhance the soil properties Completely organic and does not contain any harmful chemicals Contains micro and macro nutrients. Has good water holding capacity Its antifungal property helps the plants to grow healthy
Premium Organic Earth Magic Potting Soil

Important information

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1. Completely organic and does not contain any harmful chemicals. 

2. Contains micro and macronutrients. 

3. Has good water holding capacity. 

4. Its anti-fungal property helps the plants to grow healthy. 

5. Contains microbes that enhance the soil properties 

5. Ready to Use.

 7. Good for saplings.

 8. Good Texture 

9. Good water holding capacity.

Premium Organic Earth Magic Potting Soil

Product Description

Enriched Premium Organic Earth Magic Potting Soil Mix for plants. We make sure that your plants do not run out of essential nutrients when they grow in our soil mix. We have combined premium organic soil mix with required fertilizers for your plants. Our premium organic potting soil mix is ideal for pot growing and is suitable for most plants. For growing in medium sized pots like hanging baskets, our premium organic potting mix is very handy to ensure the plants grow up healthy and strong. For using on large pots like the aquarium, it can be used by putting the soil in the pot. To grow medium and large plants, we have blended our premium organic potting mix with the required nutrients in it. To ensure it stays fresh for a long time, we have used a special micro-filtration process that allows it to retain most of the nutrients present in the premium organic soil mix. You can use our premium organic potting mix for plants like bonsai, cacti and other plants in pots.

Key Benefits of Using Our Premium Organic Potting Mix:

We have added most of the required nutrients to our premium organic potting mix, which will help plants grow healthy and strong. We also have used a special micro-filtration process to allow our premium organic potting mix to retain the maximum nutrients present in it.

You can use our premium organic potting mix for pot growing and for using on large pots. You can plant your houseplants and garden plants in pots. Our premium organic potting mix stays fresh for a long time, so you need to add only the required amount of our premium organic potting mix into the pots. You do not need to mix the premium organic potting mix again and again. It will stay fresh for months. You do not need to add the nutrients separately to the pots. We have used a micro-filtration process to ensure the potting mix contains the maximum amount of nutrients present in it. You can grow premium-grade plants and houseplants in your pots. Our premium organic potting mix is specially blended with premium quality organic soil, which makes it suitable for growing premium-quality plants. We have blended our premium organic potting mix with the required nutrients in it. To get the full benefits of our premium organic potting mix, you must keep it in the shade. You need to water the plants regularly. We recommend that you change the water once every fortnight. You should add a small amount of premium-grade organic potting mix into the pots once in every week. Add more if the pots dry out. You must use the premium organic potting mix only in the right sized pots. If your pots are too big, you can also use our premium organic potting mix. It has a great capacity to hold the water. You can also use our premium organic potting mix for houseplants. You can grow houseplants in your pots. You can grow premium-quality plants in large pots. But be sure to take the advice of a garden expert before growing them in large pots. You should use our premium organic potting mix only for growing premium-quality plants in large pots. You should buy a pair of gloves when using the premium organic potting mix. You do not need to wash the gloves before using the premium organic potting mix. Gloves help you in keeping the hands clean. You can keep them in the soil and use them to move the pots. As premium organic potting mix comes with nutrients and chemicals, you should never add chemicals to the mix. You can apply organic fertilizer to the soil with a trowel. You should also apply enough water to keep the soil moist. But, never apply too much water to the soil. This would cause the soil to dry out and you should wait for 2-3 days before adding more water. You should change the water regularly. This would help your plants to stay healthy and it will also keep the soil moist. Use the premium organic potting mix for growing premium-quality plants.

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