How to choose a hydroponic plant to grow in a hydroponic garden

Hydroponics is an attractive part of gardening and many home and commercial gardeners and farmers are attracted to it because of the speed of plant growth and the production of crops produced by hydroponics technology. Although it may seem like a big step from growing seedlings in the soil, in reality the step is very small. Soil nutrients are usually mixed with water. Once this is done, the soil no longer benefits except the physical support of the tree roots. Since they get all the elements they need in the soil, a large range of plants can be grown hydroponically.

We see the main types of hydroponics plants that we eat. You may have noticed that many varieties of lettuce and medicinal plants are now sold in supermarkets in plastic seeds whose roots are still attached. These plants are grown hydroponically. They are as healthy and tasty as plants grown in the ground.


Hydroponic strawberry is a seasonal fruit that bears fruit only in the warmer months of the year. Hydroponics technology, with the provision of light, nutrients and water, is able to grow strawberries all year round, producing rich, red, pleasant, sweet fruit. The cost of hydroponic gardening is not more expensive than farming with soil, which means that hydroponics strawberries can be supplied to local markets and supermarkets by local growers all year round, instead they are shipped out of season. 

A leaf and its tree used for lettuce

Many varieties of lettuce can be grown throughout the year, but the rate at which lettuce grows in the winter months is limited. If a particular part is prone to frost or snow, lettuce or other plants cannot grow during this period. Hydroponics plants can be grown indoors, meaning they can be protected from harsh winters and grow year-round. A leaf and tree used for hydroponic lettuce also grows faster than traditional ripe lettuce. This allows farmers to grow more crops throughout the year, increases their production rates, reduces the area they need to dedicate to individual hydroponic plants, and thereby increases their profits.


The traditional hydroponic plant - the tomato - is probably the most famous plant grown using the hydroponic system. It can be found in almost all supermarkets, where it is now almost uncommon to find hydroponically unripe tomatoes. Tomatoes are especially useful for hydroponic growth because they have short root systems, require plenty of water, and are particularly susceptible to soil-borne diseases, frost and other radical changes in the weather. Hydroponics provides the stability needed for the growth and prosperity of tomatoes.

A wide range of plants can be grown using hydroponic technology. The most common hydroponic plants we find as consumers are lettuce, herbs, strawberries and of course tomatoes. Hydroponics provides stability to these plants in the growth conditions for which they grow rapidly and tolerate maximum production, making the whole system economically viable.

For more information about hydroponics gardening [] and hydroponics in general, visit Hydroponics

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